Ryze Tech
- Drohne
- Videos mit EZ Shots
- Kamera-Bild direkt von der Kamera auf das Smartphone übertragen
- Speicherung der Bilder und Videos direkt auf dem Smartphone mittels App-Download
- die Kamera nimmt Videos in HD mit einer Auflösung von 720p auf
- Reichweite der Videoübertragung bei ca. 100 m
- Kamerastabilisator
- Fotoaufnahmen mit 5 Megapixel
- 360°-Video-Aufnahmen
- "Throw & Go" - werfen Sie die Drohne in die Luft zum Starten
- die Flugdauer liegt bei ca. 13 Minuten
- Senkrecht-Aufnahmen von oben
- nur 80 Gramm schwer
- inkl. Cytronix Case
This item is no longer available.
We still offer a wide range of accessories.
- The camera image can be transferred directly from the camera to the smartphone
- Images and videos can be saved directly to the smartphone via app download
- The camera records videos in HD with a resolution of 720p
- Video transmission range of approx. 100 m
- Camera stabilizer
- Photos with 5 MP
- "Throw + Go" - throw the drone into the air to take off
- The flight duration is approx. 13 minutes
- 360° video recordings
- Vertical shots from above
- Weighs only 80 grams
This item is no longer available.
We still offer a wide range of accessories.
Meaning of the delivery status
Immediately available
The item is in stock and can be shipped at short notice.
The item is also in stock in our shop in Düsseldorf.
Delivery time (from-to) working days after receipt of payment
The item is not in stock in our inhouse warehouse and will be ordered from the external warehouse/manufacturer or disributor after you have placed an order. The expected delivery time is listed with the item.
Item has been ordered
The item has already been ordered from the manufacturer or distributor. The delivery time is usually between 1 week and 2 months. As soon as a more precise delivery time is known, we will publish the details on our website. After placing the order, you will be informed regularly about the delivery time.
Available at a specified date
The item has already been ordered from the manufacturer or distributor. We have been informed of the expected delivery date.
We are happy to order for you
The item is currently not in stock and will be ordered for you from the manufacturer or distributor after you have placed an order. The delivery time is usually between 1 week and 2 months. After placing the order, you will be informed regularly about the delivery time.
Item has been ordered. Delivery time 1-3 months
The item is currently not available. We were not given a delivery time. Experience shows that the expected delivery time is 1-3 months.
Goods have been ordered. Long delivery time expected. Pre-order now and secure your place on the waiting list.
The manufacturer or supplier cannot confirm a date, so we assume a waiting time of 2 to 9 months. You can still order the item and secure your place on the waiting list.
Please note: Despite updating our website regularly, it is possible that an item may be out of stock but shown as available for a short time, especially when orders are high. All information is therefore without guarantee. We will inform you immediately if there is a delay in the expected availability/delivery time. The availability information refers to an order quantity of 1. Availability may vary for higher order quantities.